Kaia Mar Blog
What is Earth Day and why is it important for the fashion industry?
We might think that becoming conscious and questioning our planet’s future is a recent phenomenon. But concerns regarding the impact we have on our environment were expressed already in 1970 when the first environmental movement called Earth Day took place. History shows that problems, such as air and water pollution, have been in our mind for quite some time.
Why choose faux leather garments and accessories?
As we recently talked about cactus leather post, why don’t we dive into this topic a little bit deeper, so that we could find out some more benefits of using artificial leather? After all, it is great to see how the production of faux leather has developed through time, and it is only a matter of time what other fine substitutes will be presented in the future.
Is Cactus Leather Real ?
Believe it or not, cactus leather is real !!
Desserto is a highly sustainable fashion vegan-leather that is made from cactus. Cactus based vegan-leather can easily be distinguished due to its extra smoothness and soft to touch material. This highly sustainable plant-based vegan-leather has premium quality and fulfils environmental standards.
Buying New? Check these 5 ethical brands
We are living in times when we have to think about how our habits and actions will impact the future. This is especially important for the fashion industry that is responsible for polluting the environment we live in. Having this in mind, more and more fashion brands think about how to become more conscious and sustainable.
But what is important to consider when buying new clothing or accessories?
Buying from second hand shops – Trend or a New Normal?
Buying from second hand shops meant different things at different times. For some second hand shopping could’ve associated with bad smell and lack of money, and for some, this was a place where they could spend hours going through racks of clothes until finding that one gem – brand jacket, handbags or never worn shoes. Second hand shops can cause displeasure as well as extreme joy. But what does it mean for us in today’s context?
Shopping fun that leads to pollution
We live in a world where there is a possibility to get anything you can think of in a short time. And this is possible even with the given circumstances that we all face right now. Until recently, we did not think a lot about where things such as our clothes, shoes and accessories go after we no longer need them. But the situation in which we all now dictate that it is time to re-think our choices and habits. What options do we have then?